NNC Profile
www.netralnews.com Netralnews.com was established on February 1, 2016. The name Netralnews.com was chosen as this online news media wants to provide news that is neutral, impartial, and prioritizes on press ethics.
Netralnews.com is the first TRILINGUAL NEWS ONLINE in Indonesia, comprising of Netralnews Indonesia (Netralnews.com), NETRALNEWS ENGLISH founded on January 9, 2017, and NETRALNEWS MANDARIN eatablished on March 15, 2017.
Netralnews.com has been verified by the Indonesian Press Council, both ADMINISTRATIVE VERIFICATION and FACTUAL VERIFICATION.
To become a technology-based information and knowledge platform that is useful for the wider public.
1. To provide extensive information and knowledge for readers;
2. To provide space for writers who want to share their works on information and knowledge.
3. To provide publication facilities for businesses who want to advance their business ventures
Mirror of the Nation. This means that news that are published can be a reflection of the conditions of society in Indonesia
The news channels at Netralnews.com English are designed according to news topics and themes, thus enabling each news grouping to have their own characters. These channels are:
Features news and analysis about events developing at that time from topics concerning, about, and from Indonesia on latest news, politics, law, defense and security, education, science, the environment, as well as incidents and non-entertainment events happening in the capital city, major cities, and regions of Indonesia.
Features news and analysis related to business and the economy in Indonesia, such as the stock exchange, currency exchange rates, property and infrastructure, government policies related to the economy, MSMEs, cooperatives, as well as corporations operating in Indonesia.
Features news and information related to Indonesian tourism, interesting tourist attractions and sites in Indonesian, culinary delights of Indonesia, Indonesian culinary recipes, and government policies related to tourism in Indonesia.
Features news on various lifestyle segments in Indonesia, including fashion, health, entertainment, celebrity, music, film, art, as well as lifestyle events happening in Indonesia.
Features news related to the developments, products, trends, tips and DIY, regulations, as well as events related to the automotive segment in Indonesia.
Features news and analysis about the sports and sports competitions and events in Indonesia, as well as the latest news and information on the Indonesian national teams competing at the international and global stage
Features news and articles made by writers from a range of professions and experts on topics that include insight, knowledge, education, history, culture, as well as locale content, information and developments.
Features news and articles on Indonesia's involvement in current global and international events, as well as other topics about and related to Indonesia on the international and global stage.